Valerica Dineata's blog

Every one is special just for being him.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

ID in America

Am ochelarii aburitzi, nasul rosu, mainile inghetate, papucii cam uzi de la zapada, blugii plini de zapada... e un moment in care un vin fiert, cu scortisoara, putin piper si mult zahar ar merge grozav. As avea tot ce imi trebuie, mai putin vin :) Pentru ca desi acum cateva zile am incercat sa cumpar, nu am reusit. Nu pare un lucru chiar greu, nu-i asa? Asa ziceam si eu.

Primul refuz de a cumpara o sticla de vin l-am primit in Anglia, pt ca 'I don't look like 21'. Nu aveam nici un id care sa imi dovedeasca varsta, dar aveam un prieten cu mine care l-a cumparat el pentru mine. De data asta povestea se rescrie in America, si nu sunt eu personajul principal. Am mers cu un coleg la cumparaturi. Mi-am scanat produsele inaintea lui, printre care si amicul Jack pe care am avut voie sa il cumpar pt ca aveam pasaportul la mine. Printre produsele lui Lucian era o sticla de vin, dar ID-ul pe care a vrut sa il foloseasca era carnetul de soferi. Act emis in Cipru, dar care pt ca este act international il folosea si in State. Tanti de la casa de marcat s-a cam speriat cand a vazut formatul actului, si a plecat cu el sa ceara parerea unei alte casiere. S-au intors amandoua si ne spun 'ne pare rau, dar nu va putem vinde vinul; trebuie sa aveti un document valid in SUA'. Mai mult decat mirata le spun 'documentul asta e un carnet de conducere folosit in acest stat.' Ea recunoaste problema 'but I can't read it'. Mai mult pt mine, bomban si spun ca asta nu ar trebui sa fie problema noastra. Iar pt ea, spun 'ok, nu mai conteaza... am sa cumpar eu vinul si gata'. Mirarea mi-a fost si mai mare la raspunsul lor 'pt ca produsul este deja refuzat, nu putem sa vi-l vindem nici dvs'.... Ha? You must be joking... Mai mult pt amuzamentul nostru, Lucian isi incearca norocul cu buletinul de Romania. Pana la urma, aveau nevoie de un document cu poza si cu data nasterii. Fetele s-au speriat si mai tare. Desi nu sunt certareatza din fire, reusisera sa ma cam enerveze.

Am tot respectul pt cluburile care nu permit persoanelor sub 21 de ani sa intre. Mi s-a intamplat sa fiu acceptata in Anglia intr-un club in care varsta minima era 25 de ani. Dar mi s-a intamplat si ca dupa un drum de aproape o ora pe o sosea tare alunecoasa sa nu pot intra intr-un club din Chicago pt ca nu aveam ID. Nu am nimic de comentat, e numai vina mea la faza asta. Insa nu am sa pot accepta ca raspuns 'As this is my shop, and there are our rules, this is the end of the conversation. ' Poate ca daca fetele astea ar fi auzit vreodata de Cipru sau de Romania, nu ar fi fost vreo problema... Nu vreau sa le cer insa prea mult. Au in fata un document cu poza, data nasterii, ba mai mult decat atat nu vor nici sa imi vanda mie vinul pt ca e deja refuzat...

No more comments. This the America I met.

Monday, December 10, 2007


I remember when I was little I used to ask lot of things. (now I'm supposed to be older, but this is not changed about me). One of the thing I asked my best friend's mother was 'what is love? how can you know when you feel it?' I was 10 when I asked that first time, and even now I don't think I know the answer :). She told me ' you will know what love is when your heart will beat faster than usual because of someone. You will know that is there when you will feel butterflies.'... Imagine my face when I heard that at 10 :)

Butterflies... so beautiful, so serene, so high, so careless... Yeap, I think this is the feeling.

A butterfly needs two healthy wings to fly. Sometimes it flies very high, but sometimes it can not fly at all. Sometimes one of the wings get hurt, but having the other one's help it can heal. But this kind of help needs to come at the right time, and not too late. I've seen some butterflies trying to fly with just one wing. But the end is not a happy one. The butterfly doesn't need to fly all the time. It needs time to rest also. But if it stays too long, is not able to fly again... This butterflies... doesn't seem like an easy thing.

I should try to summarize what I'm trying to say. To be honest, I have no idea...

Getting older I have even more questions about this subject. Is there any butterfly that lives forever? Shall we keep healing the wings even if they are keep hurting themselves? Or after the first sore, is better to let the butterfly die, because it will die anyway and the the pain is bigger later? It is so sad to see that sometimes not both of the butterfly's wings go in the same direction... Does it work the price of some dead butterflies till we find the one that flies with us no matter what? The only thing I'm sure about is the fact the butterfly is happy as long as it lives. And the feeling of a happy butterfly doesn't compare with anything.